🌻Vanilla Block
On this page, you will find the available information for vanilla blocks
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On this page, you will find the available information for vanilla blocks
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This is the default engine for a crate, and it's the simplest option. With this engine, you can select a specific block to act as your crate block.
For the vanilla crate block, you can set any block available in Minecraft. Certain blocks, like chests, ender chests, shulker boxes, and trapped chests, will also include their default vanilla opening animations.
If you can't find the block you are looking for in the Selection menu, you can specify it in the crate's config manually.
When you select Player Head as the crate material type, you can specify a value for the head to replicate.
How to get the player head value?
If you are using Paper, hold the player head in your main hand and run the /paper dumpitem command. This will return the value of the skull, which you can then use as the value for the crate.
The following is an example of using TNT as the vanilla block crate type.