Edit Crate
On this page, you will find all the information about editing your already existing crate.
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On this page, you will find all the information about editing your already existing crate.
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With this option, you can set an identifier for the crate. Note that the crate identifier is unique and used internally by the plugin, and its different from the display name. For example, if your crate's name is Elemental Crate the identifier should be set to elemental_crate.
If the identifier is changed, all player progress and keys associated with the crate will no longer work.
With this option, you can adjust the display name of the crate. The display name is typically shown in the hologram and in messages when you open the chest.
For the display name, you can use the default Minecraft color codes. For hex colors, use the &#D6D045 format.
With this feature, you can create a hologram displayed above your crate. Phoenix Crates has its own built-in hologram system, so it doesn't depend on any external plugins. If you have trouble using the in-game editor to modify the hologram, you can also edit it manually in the config.yml
When the preview reward is enabled, users will be able to see all the rewards flickering above the crate.
The following is an example of using the Preview Reward to a crate.
With the preview menu, you can assign a different menu to be opened when a user previews rewards. This is a great option if you want to create different layouts for each crate.
You can create your own preview menu in the menus folder inside PhoenixCrates\menus. Once you’ve created it, left-click and select that preview menu.
With the broadcast message option, you can customize the message that is broadcasted to the server when a user wins a reward. Note that for a broadcast message to be sent, the specific reward must have the broadcast option enabled. By default, this feature is disabled.