πŸ” Placeholders

Phoenix Duels allows you to use some of our data in other plugins. For that you can use the PlaceholderAPI for that.

Internal Placeholders

Scoreboard PlaceholdersValue


The time left of the duel.


The list with the opponents.


The current mode fo the duel.


The current id of the map,


The player's won rounds,


The player's lost rounds,


The amount of rounds left to win.


The player's clicks per second.


The player's ping,

%boxing_team_score% (Requires Boxing)

The boxing score of your team.

%boxing_enemy_score% (Reuires Boxing)

The boxing score of the enemy team.

PlaceholderAPI Placeholders



The amount of players playing.


The amount of players playing on a specific mode.


The amount of players queueing.


The amount of players queueing on a specific mode.

Last updated