💎 Features
Some of the PhoenixDuels (Legacy) version such as: elo and ranked are now included in the PhoenixPractice plugin.
Duels 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and FFA for private arenas.
Duels with own inventory & custom kit.
Kit Editor Per Player
Arena Regeneration.
Allow any items/money Betting (Requires vault)
Player Menus can be changed to support bedrock clients.
Fully GUI /duels menu, party/stats/leaderboard/kit layouts/settings included.
Lost Items System (Preventing item delivery to offline or full inventory players.)
Fully customizable easy to use in-game editor.
Arena and modes configuration per file.
Possibility to create and play custom matches.
Kit Preview/Editor ingame.
Hex colors supported.
Support PlaceholderAPI for commands.
Support for MySQL, MariaDB, and SQLite.
Whitelist/Backlist commands.
Toggleable duels request per player.
Placeholders for total wins/losses/draws/kills/deaths, win/lost/kills/deaths streak
Public match status broadcast (who won)
Security system in cases of crashes.
Easily editable yml files.
Customizable Menus.
It has no dependency. Install the plugin and it's ready to use.
Spectator Mode
Allow regeneration when using FastAsyncWorldEdit.
Region for protection and regeneration.
It can allow multiple modes.
You can teleport to the lobby or the last position.
Multiple spawn locations per team.
FFA Position.
Arena Mode
Supports own inventory or kit (custom items)
Supports any custom item for kits.
Kit Editor in-game.
Custom cooldown for playing this arena mode again.
Supports for multiple rounds.
Permission Requirement. (Only players with this permission can start a match)
Rules that allow you to build any game mode you want.
Arrow on ground despawn, Remove Empty bottle rules
Disable Crafting Slots, Elytra, Ender Pearl, Totem rules
Ender Pearl cooldown, Golden Apple cooldown, GOD Apple cooldown rules
Golden Head, Soup, Boxing (Soon), Spleef, Pressure plate instant win rules
No Damage, hit delay, hunger, natural Regen rules
Touch water die, Touch lava die, Touch void die, Water slowly damage rules
And much more.
Custom Scoreboard per mode.
Pre-configured premade kits.
Winner/Loser/Start Commands.
Supported Plugins (Factions, combat plugins, pets plugins, etc..)
+ Don't see something here that you are looking for? Let us know on discord!
Last updated
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