Commands & Permissions
On this page, you will find all the commands and the permissions that you can assign to them.
Command List
Below, you will find information on various commands available, their functionalities, and how to use them effectively.
Access to all play options of this plugin.
/queue <unranked/ranked> <solo/duo/trio/quad> <mode>
Joins directly the queue for a specific mode
/duel <player>
Send a duel invitation to a specific player.
Shows your current party.
/party accept <player>
Accept a party invitation from another player.
/party decline <player>
Decline a party invitation from another player.
/party challenge <player>
Challenges another player from your party.
/party invite <player>
Invites another player to join your party.
/party leave
Leaves from a party.
/party disband
Disands a party
/spectate <player>
Spectates the game of a specific player.
Opens your duel settings.
Prevents users from invitating you to duels.
Edit your kits.
Control access to features with permissions.
Grants access to all PhoenixDuels features.
Grants access to enter any region of any ongoing match.
To enable extra permissions set to true
the field commands.require-permission
Disable / Add Permission
In the main configuration of the plugin, you will find a list of all the available commands that users can execute. By default, all these commands are enabled and do not require any specific permissions for users to run them. If you want to disable a command, change its value to false.
To assign permissions to the commands, set require-permission to true. After doing this, each command will require the user to have the permission assigned to them.
Alternative Command
With alternative commands, you can modify the plugin's default commands. For example, if another plugin uses /party, you can change Phoenix's command to /match.
To achieve it change the command in the config.yml
Note, that the permission will still be
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