πŸ€– Action Types

Actions that are used on our plugin

In our system's configuration files, you can utilize various action types to perform different actions. These actions enable you to interact with players, broadcast messages, play sounds, set gamemodes, and much more.

You can create interactive menus, NPC interactions, double jump, and other type of interactionsin your plugin using these action types.

Action TypeDescription


Display a custom message to the player


Display a custom title message to the player


This is a custom action bar


Redirect the player to a specific server


Close the player's current inventory


Execute a command (console or player)


Set the player's gamemode


Apply a potion effect to the player


Play a sound for the player


Open a custom menu


A way to delay some actions

Explore each action type to learn more about its syntax and usage. Examples are provided to illustrate how to use these actions effectively in your system or application.

Send Chat Message

This action sends a custom message to the player.

  • Syntax: [MESSAGE] <message>

  • Example: [MESSAGE] &aThis is a custom message

Send Title Message

This action displays a custom title message to the player.

  • Syntax: [TITLE] <title>; <subtitle>; <fadein>; <stay>; <fadeout>

  • Example: [TITLE] &aCustom title;&7Custom Subtitle; 20; 40; 20

Send Action Bar Message

This action displays a custom action bar message to the player.

  • Syntax: [ACTION_BAR] <message>

  • Example: [ACTION_BAR] This is a custom action bar

Connect to Proxy server

This action redirects the player to a specified server using your proxy (BungeeCord & Velocity).

  • Syntax: [PROXY] <serverName>

  • Example: [PROXY] lobby

Close Inventory

This action closes the inventory the player has open.


  • Example: [CLOSE_INVENTORY]

Execute Command

This action executes a command either from the console or as a player.

  • Syntax: [COMMAND] <target>; <command>

  • Example: [COMMAND] console; mvtp %player% world

  • Example: [COMMAND] player; warp spawn

Change Gamemode

This action sets the gamemode for the player.

  • Syntax: [GAMEMODE] <gamemode>

  • Example: [GAMEMODE] adventure

Give Potion Effect

This action gives the player a potion effect.

  • Syntax: [POTION_EFFECT] <effect>; <duration>; <amplifier>

  • Example: [POTION_EFFECT] speed; 5; 2

Play Sound

This action plays a sound for the player.

  • Syntax: [SOUND] <sound>; <volume>; <pitch>

  • Example: [SOUND] entity_arrow_hit_player; 1; 1

Open Menu

This action opens a custom graphical user interface (GUI) menu.

  • Syntax: [MENU] <menu_name>

  • Example: [MENU] main_menu


This action will make a short pause until it continues executing actions.

  • Syntax: [DELAY] <seconds>

  • Example: [DELAY] 3

Last updated