Common classes

Player Class

The Player class represents a player in the game and provides various methods for interaction.

  • Get Player’s Name:

    player_name =
  • Send a Message:

    player.send_message("Hello, {{}}!")
  • Get Player’s Location:

    player_location = player.location
  • Set Player’s Health: = 20  // Set health to full
  • Give Experience:

    player.give_experience(100)  // Add 100 experience points

Location Class

The Location class represents a point in the game world, including coordinates and the world itself.

  • Get Coordinates:

    x = location.x
    y = location.y
    z = location.z
  • Set Coordinates:

    location.x = 100
    location.y += 10  // Move up by 10 blocks
    location.z = -50
  • Get World of Location:

    world =

Block Class

The Block class represents a block in the game world.

  • Get Block Type:

    block_type = block.type
  • Set Block Type:

    block.type = :DIAMOND_BLOCK  // Change the block to a diamond block
  • Break a Block:

    block.break_naturally()  // Break the block

ItemStack Class

The ItemStack class represents an item in the player's inventory.

  • Create a New ItemStack: (Soon!)

    stone_item = ItemStack(:STONE, 1)  // Create a stone item stack of size 1
  • Get Item Type:

    item_type = item_stack.type
  • Set Amount of Item:

    item_stack.amount = 10  // Set the amount to 10

Entity Class

The Entity class represents any entity in the game, such as players, mobs, and items.

  • Get Entity Type:

    entity_type = entity.type
  • Remove an Entity:

    entity.remove()  // Remove the entity from the world
  • Get Entity Location:

    entity_location = entity.location

LivingEntity Class

The LivingEntity class extends the Entity class and represents all living creatures in the game, such as players and mobs. It includes additional methods specific to living entities. (Players are also living entities)

  • Get Health:

    health =
  • Set Health: = 15  // Set health to 15
  • Get Max Health:

    max_health = living_entity.max_health
  • Add Potion Effect:

    living_entity.add_potion_effect(:SPEED, 60, 1)  // Apply Speed effect for 60 seconds
  • Remove Potion Effect:

    living_entity.remove_potion_effect(:SLOWNESS)  // Remove the Slowness effect

World Class

The World class represents a game world, including its properties and methods.

  • Get All Players in the World:

    players_in_world = world.players
  • Spawn an Entity:

    world.spawn_entity(location, :ZOMBIE)  // Spawn a zombie at a specific location
  • Set the Time of Day:

    world.time = 1000  // Set the time to day

These methods provide a solid starting point for interacting with various elements within your game. As you explore the Spigot API further, you’ll discover even more methods and capabilities, enabling you to create dynamic and engaging scripts.

Last updated